“Things To Do In Denver When You’re Dead” (1995)


Chad loves this movie.  Mark’s never seen it.  WHAT WILL HAPPEN NOW?

A podcast… naturally.

We didn’t plan it this way, but this is our seventh episode, continuing the trend of ONE of us has seen it, ONE of us hasn’t. “Things to do in Denver When You’re Dead” is quintessential 90’s flavor when it comes to indie films of the era. Starring just about everyone, this movie is pretty damn quotable, and extremely sentimental to boot. If you haven’t seen the movie, we suggest listening to the opening, then the audio clip trailer — then go watch the movie — THEN come back and finish the podcast, or we’ll ruin it for you.  That goes for pretty much ANY of our podcasts.  The hope is to get YOU PEOPLE to watch at least one or two of these movies (that you’ve probably never heard of).  If we accomplish that, well… GO US.

Performers of note: Andy Garcia, Christopher Walken, Gabrielle Anwar, Christopher Lloyd, Fairuza Balk, Treat Williams.

“Cast A Deadly Spell” (1991)


Straight from the dvd-rip library of Mark Alan Heiliger, comes the HBO classic(?) “Cast a Deadly Spell”, starring Fred Ward, Clancy Brown and a fresh-faced Julianne Moore.  This wacky film touches a handful of genres, including: fantasy, noir, action, comedy, horror(?) – too many, frankly, but that’s probably why it ended up on HBO instead of theaters.  This movie is produced by GALE ANNE HURD, right smack in the middle of her prime, btw, so yeah… not sure how Chad hadn’t ever heard of this one until now, but it’s worth a watch (or at least listen).  DIRECTED BY MARTIN CASINO ROYALE CAMPBELL.

Performers of note: Julianne Moore, Fred Ward, Clancy Brown, David Warner

“The Double Life of Veronique” (1991)


We debated whether or not it was a good idea to delve THIS DEEP into European “art-house” film world so early on, but hey, this is one of the best works by one of Chad’s personal favorite directors, Krzysztof Kieslowski. The film is “The Double Life Of Veronique”, easily one of the most beautiful films of the past 30 years, but unseen by most. Starring Irene Jacob (currently seen in Showtime’s “The Affair”), “The Double Life of Veronique” is a borderline fantasy film – well, no… it IS a fantasy film, in so many ways – It doesn’t feel of this Earth, and the world we experience in the film is wholly unique to Kieslowski’s vision as a storyteller.  Chad suggests you check it out, even if only to study the cinematography.

Performers of note: Irene Jacob.

“Runaway” (1984)


Posting this magical podcast a few days early because we’ll be out of town on our regular Sunday to release it.  So… Happy holidays?  This week’s movie is “RUNAWAY” – a Mark Heiliger favorite – and wonderful cheeseball action affair that you’ve likely never heard of.  It’s got Tom Selleck and, well, what else do you need to know?  Oh yeah, and it’s written & directed by none other than Michael Crichton.  WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?

Performers of note: Tom Selleck, Cynthia Rhodes, Gene Simmons, and Kirstie Alley.

“Ladies and Gentlemen The Fabulous Stains” (1982)


Today we cover the 1982 cult film, “Ladies and Gentlemen The Fabulous Stains”.  This is a movie that Chad saw upon it’s 2010 DVD release and instantly loved.  It’s not quite a great film, but there are some rock solid iconic moments and a few good scenes worth seeing. Also: the cast is still relevant to this day.  Left shelved and unreleased for 30 years, “Ladies and Gentlemen the Fabulous Stains” finally had a public release in 2010, on DVD.

Performers of note: Diane Lane, Laura Dern and Ray Winstone.

“Monsters” (2010)


The epic first episode of our strange little podcast focuses on the 2010 movie “Monsters”, directed by Gareth Edwards (Star Wars: Rogue One). Figured it was a timely selection (given the release of Rogue One on the week this was originally posted), and a great little movie thru-out.

Performers of note: Scoot McNairy and Whitney Able. Special mention of Mario Zuniga Benavides, the awesome “ticket-seller” character, who has never acted in anything else.